Thursday, February 22, 2007

2Peas Blogger Challenge

Not a very interesting one, but I've got a really light night at work so here it is...

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up????

I wanted to be different things at different times. An interior designer, a doctor, an archeaologist, a pilot, a teacher. I NEVER wanted to be a nurse when I was little, but one summer volunteering at a pediatric hospital did it for me. I loved the flexibility that nursing offered. And when I was in high school, I'd decided that I wanted a family so I wanted something that would allow me to spend a lot of time with my kids. Ha!


Jana said...

This made me smile! I always wanted to be a nurse but wouldn't mind doing something else now. It just depends on the day and what happens. :-)

Watson Woodworth said...

Oh! I was the littlest art hound.
I wanted to be a writer since at least the age of seven.
Screenwriter in grade school, novelist in middle school, poet (Oh Gawd!) and journalist in high school.
Now that I'm... well "Grown Up" seems a bit East of the mark...older, I want to write Country songs for the girl who broke my heart.
But even though I've seen no money from it, I think I'm not a half bad blogger.

Kate said...

Never mind this post. Just wanted to tell you that tat I am LOVING this picture of you! So classically beautiful. Very awesome.

yezenia said...

Thanks K.