Saturday, February 10, 2007

Saturday Laundry

I am currently composing my manifesto, and due to events of today I will be including something to the effect of:

A spinister may engage in hand to hand combat with a fellow spinster and neighbor over use of the single dryer in the building. However, dreaming about kicking her scrawny ass out of the window will suffice.

Other items up for inclusion in my manifesto are:

A spinster has license to be as eccentric as she sees fit. She has earned the right to be kooky.

A spinster does not have to shave, wax, pluck, dye, or suck in anything not covered by clothing if she doesn't want to.

And for this I'm missing taco night at my sister's. Humph.


Odette said...

Man oh man, does your humor crack me up. You're a great writer and putting your thoughts down on paper (or should I say computer screen)

Unknown said...

KICK HER ASS!!! Sheesh trying to fight you for the dryer, how dare she!!!


Kate said...

"A spinster does not have to shave, wax, pluck, dye, or suck in anything not covered by clothing if she doesn't want to."

FYI, neither does a wife. And that's why married people are jealous of single people. Among other things.