Friday, August 05, 2005

I'm living in fear...

At least for tonight. I got home tonight at midnight and I when I turned the corner to my street, I noticed a guy walking across the street at the crosswalk. When I looked in my rearview mirror before trying to back up into a parking space, I noticed he walked back across the street to where he came from. I thought that was weird but I kept trying to park while fishing my cell phone out of my bag. By the time I looked up after I got my phone, he was walking on my side of the street towards my car. So then I got a little freaked but figured I was just being paranoid and finished parking my car. Well when I was nice and snug in the space (prime parking spot so I don't have to wake up early to move the car in the morning for street cleaning) he was waiting about ten yards behind and to the side of my car at a wall by the gas station lot.

So that was it, I pulled out and kept driving. I went around the block (a kinda big block too) and when I turned the corner he was there waiting! So I kept driving and damn near panicked. I called work because I didn't have anyone else to call at that hour, just to stay on the phone while I was driving. They insisted I call the police but I wondered if they'd even come for a paranoid girl. But this dude was seriously up to no good, and I'm not easily scared by that sort of thing. I ended up calling the manager of my building and she came out to meet me while I parked. I was really freaked out. The way he kept watching me no matter what I did.

I heard once you should put great big dirty workboots out on your porch to give the impression that a big burly man lives with you. What would the equivalent be for your car? Guess I'll be carrying around that pepper spray the managers at work gave us. Though with my bad luck and my general clumsiness I'd likely spray myself with it. Sigh.

So what other adventures did I have today? Well, first thing I met my brother in law at the Ford collision center to have my bumper looked at. Yesterday while attempting to park into an angled parking space at the dentist's, I inadvertently bumped into the sidewalk. The large dip into the sewer made the car go into the curb at a weird angle, and apparently with enough force to completely mangle the underside of my bumper. So I literally ran my car into the ground. What a dweeb. So that little mishap will cost approximately $650. This comes on the heels of a $300 bill to replace the left side mirror on my car after some ass hat knocked it off. I don't know if they drove past my car too close or if some lousy hoodrats played baseball with my mirror, but someone had the decency to place the mirror on my trunk. When I was walking towards my car I mistook the mirror for a dead bird. I think I'd have preferred the dead bird to a broken mirror. I could have just driven fast enough to make the bird fall off, and as much as I loathe littering, at least the bird is biodegradable.

Anyhoo, that's how I started my morning, mangled bumper. Then I installed Microsoft Office and Photoshop on my new puter. Woo hoo! Now to learn how to work the damn thing (Photoshop and I have a tenuous relationship).

Then I hunted for a unity candle for my friend Gracie for her wedding this Saturday. After I found ONE, pickings are slim for unity candles I guess, I trekked to Duarte to pick up my bridesmaids dress, finally! That has been an ordeal unto itself. I will not speak of it until I can laugh it off. At this point, I'm still not sure if I can pull it off, so I'll have to follow up on it later.

After that, I went to the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. That was yumsers! Part of the wedding party ended up back at Gracie and Gary's apartment to check out the home theater system they have up. We watched parts of LOTR (3rd installement) and Full Metal Jacket. HOW could I have not seen this movie before?!? I left before the end, so I'll definitely have to Netflix it.

The night was topped off with the aforementioned fright. And now I believe I'm finally sleepy enough to overcome the jittery feeling. Good night folks!


Sybille, Jeremy & Dylan Moen said...

Girl, I am so glad you went around that block and called the building manager. Just reading this put goose bumps on my neck and back. Sooo glad to hear you are ok!!!! And funny about the pepper spray... I always feel the same way... that it the end I am just hurting myself! Hugs, Syb

yezenia said...

Too bad I can't take my sister's Rotty with me everywhere. He's a pretty good deterrent for crime if I ever I saw one.

platners said... can always call me!!!i am OPEN 24 hrs!!!!