It was immediately obvious that I was a thing to be pitied. Here are some of the choice comments from my excursion.
Greeter outside: "Are you meeting anyone?"
Me: "No."
Greeter [opening the door]: "Oh." (This "oh" was just a beat too long).
Hostess: "One? Is that right?" (Hostess looks genuinely anguished by this)...
Me: "Sure is."
Hostess: "Let's see what we can do for you." (Hostess is very cheery now)...
(A minute later...)
Hostess: "Is a table ok?"
Me: "That's fine."
Hostess: "Oh, let's just get you a booth."
(Upon arriving at booth, Hostess takes away the extra settings)...
Hostess: "Sorry." (The sad emoticon inflected in the comment.)
Server: "I'll get your meal as soon as possible." (Insert another sad emoticon).
Server: "Are you still ok?" (The day's last sad face.)
Now maybe I was just being sensitive, but I really don't recall quite such comments from restaurant employees. It made me chuckle a bit. I'm really proud that I actually did it, and enjoyed the experience. I could have done without most of the pitying gestures, but like I said, it's a milestone in my spinsterdom. No doubt there will be many occassions when I'll have to dine alone, I'm glad I picked today to test it out. Overall it was quite an enjoyable experience, thanks to the scrapbooking mags I had with me. I was able to plan out some simple layouts for a gift I'll be giving on Saturday.
Now vacationing alone, THAT will be my spinster magnus opus.
Good for you for holding your head up to those people who think you didn't want to be alone. Alone is nice sometimes. Definitely bring a magazine. And I used to go to the movies all the time by myself (before kid). I'm proud of you. I went skiing by myself once to Club Med. That's the way to do it. You meet people there. I had a blast. And you're not a spinster. Puhleeze...
Oh no, that really is quite funny though. I have eaten on my own a few times and felt those pity eyes too! Was the food nice though? cos thats all that really matters :o)
Thanks ladies. There was more to this entry but it's not showing up for some reason.
Megan, the meal was actually pretty good. I had a new item, apricot chicken with lots of veggies, no pasta. So yes, it was "nice." ;)
BTW, I had some Perky Nana's yesterday and they were yummy!
Oh Yez you are too funny. When ever I read your blog you make me laugh so hard I have to pee! for reals Your wild and crazy but that's why I love you! You should totally do what Juls said, do Club Med, or go on one of those single cruises. I'll go with you. cheese
LOL..this post just cracked me up! I've dined alone for many years so good on ya!
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