Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Yesterday, one of my pts passed away. She was one of the sweetest kids I've ever taken care of. Lately I'd started to look at her and feel really sad that she would never be able to do the stuff that other teens would experience. For all the dumb things I did as a kid, I'm thankful that I had the chance to do them even though I cringe at them now. Pris yearned for those experiences, but was too sick to act her age. Maybe now when teenagers are getting on my nerves at the movies or the mall, I'll be able to appreciate their youth and vitality, at least for a while until they really annoy me.

P wrote letters to her friends, sisters, and the nurses before she died. It reminded me of a scrapbook Vanessa Reyes made for her daughter. She and her husband wrote letters to their daughter for certain milestones, first day of school, first boyfriend, wedding day, birth of her child, etc. The letters are meant to be opened only if either or both had passed away. I think it is important to let people know how you feel about them every day (ok, maybe not those you loathe). But sometimes it's difficult to get those really mushy feelings out in person. We should all give it a try sometime.

So this year I'm taking away these two things from the pts I've lost. From Jess, telling people what you like about them as the thought strikes you, and from Priscilla, putting your thoughts into writing before it's too late.

I apologize if I get all mushy whenever someone dies, but this is basically my journal. I'm around more death than the average person and it sort of skews my thinking.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know how you do what you do. You're truly an angel, so when you mention someone like Priscilla specifically, I know how very special she must've been. Hopefully, she's at peace now. And hugs to you.

cruzzer68 said...

I am so sorry Yez, what an amazing person you are to meet such special people. You get to learn so much and have those memories forever. Your post is not mushy at all, makes you think & appreciate life.

yezenia said...

Thanks guys. I'm feeling better. She had a beautiful funeral. We had caramel flavored coffee in her honor (she loved coffee), Sour Punch Straws (she had great taste in candy), and tamales. Then we wrote messages on white balloons and released them together. It was really a nice way to end it. One of the kids included a "yo mama" joke Priscilla would have liked. It was great.

Unknown said...

Augh Yez I'm just catching up on your blog here. Is this one of your patients we talked about before? I honestly think you are a angel sent to these kids. You are such a wonderful and amazing person! Sometimes it is hard to appreciate life and what it has it offer, then you experience death and realize well you know.. realize to be greatful for all you have and all you can do. LOVE YOU and hugs to you!! MiSS YOU!!