So check out the goings on of my last 10 days. I was a hermit for a couple of days last weekend (see post below). Then I went to my sister's house a couple of days, to see the kids in their Halloween costumes, and Wednesday to pick them up from school and make dinner. The little one was sick on Monday and decided to sneeze directly on my face. I knew instantaneously I'd be sick in a couple of days. Sure enough, Wednesday my throat started to hurt, Thursday and Friday I had to call in sick to work, and Saturday and Sunday went to my Photoshop class (I'm going to miss it) very groggy and sniffly. After class on Saturday I came directly home and played around with Photoshop for a while. No partying for me, nope, it was all about blowing my nose and rubbing Vicks Vaporub on my chest.
Then at some point the last few days I joined a
Stitch n' Bitch group, actually 2, one for metro LA and one for Atwater Village. I took crocheting classes a few years ago, made a couple of unintentionally trapezoidal afghans, and then got a boyfriend and to hell with the crocheting. Well, I'd been meaning to take it up again the last couple of years, make myself a proper spinster. I'm really looking forward to going to the meetings, ESPECIALLY since the AV group meets within a 2 minutes walk from my house. I always have to drive to the Valley or Santa Clarita for craft-related events. This will be a really nice way to get to know people in my neighborhood.
Next item. I went to the
Vicente Fernandez concert last night, with my mom and aunt, both of whom are in their 70's. Of course if you mix Chente, 6000 Mexicans, and beer everyone is bound to get shit-faced. Everyone but me. No, I was still blowing my effing nose!!! Seriously, that venue blasts the AC, and last night all of it apparently was directed at my chest. I may be buxom, but I found myself thinking, "I'm going to catch my death in here." WTF?!?
All of the above is a testament to the fact that I'm a little old lady sans wrinkles.
Being at that concert and seeing all those masculine men (as opposed to the pansies that are endemic to the US) made me seriously rethink the possiblity of getting myself a mail-order husband. I've heard of women (allegedly) getting paid to marry some poor
mojado and then staying together. That would make a great movie. Oh wait, it's already been done. I think it was called Green Card. Of course in that movie since it was Gerard Depardieu (sp?) and Andie McDowell, it was cute. If such a story involved an American woman and a Mexican man you know all the bigots in the border states would blow a gasket.
Anyway, I was watching some of the couples dance and, as always, it made me wish I had learned to dance like that when I was young. I know it's considered
chuntis (tacky), but I love how it looks. I've only danced like that once and that was last year in Mexico. Hopefully I'll have the chance to do it again when I go to
Zacatecas in December for my cousin's wedding.
On a sidenote, my dumb ass finally figured out how to link within my comments. DOH!