Thursday, July 20, 2006

RENT, Boobs, and Boba

Tonight I went to see RENT with my sister, niece, and nephew. It was awesome of course. Got myself another RENT shirt because my o.g. one went missing. No matter, it probably would only have fit my arm. I'm at the heaviest I've ever been, and I gotta say, it seems like I gain weight not only on the thighs, but the boobs as well. I'm sure most would consider that a blessing, but my tatas were already big enough thank you very much, and I don't want to buy new bras. I'm seriously considering going to the gym again. Seriously. I'll let you know how that goes. As long as I fit into my pants, I always say. But I totally digress...

So before the show, we had dinner at Original Thai BBQ. I got my sister and her kids hooked on the joint and it's becoming our pre-Pantages fare of choice. As we were leaving, I told my sister how much fun it is to keep some boba balls in the big ass straw to shoot at passing cars. Probably not the best type of idea to mention in front of kids, but too late, I had said it. I gotta say, those kids don't know how to play pranks. My niece flat out refused to get involved, and my nephew was so inept at picking appropriate targets. My sister had to show him how to do it. FYI, I'm so not in the habit of corrupting minors, but a little boba to a window never hurt anybody. I hope.


platners said...


keep up the good work...

-el texan

Missy said...

LOL....that is so funny. They way I see things, it is your job as an Aunt to corupt the little ones....who else is going to do it!! Glad you enjoyed the play.

cruzzer68 said...

Aye Tia, what else are you gonna show your nieces & nephews.....I'm gonna have to show that my my sister's chamacos =)

yezenia said...

Dude, where've you been Norma?!?

xobellaaimox said...

thanks for welcoming me to blogger!! :)

i absolutely LOVE rent. it was one of my fave shows on broadway (i'm from NY). next to beauty and the beast hehe.

<3 amy